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COINAtlantic Geocontent Generator (CGG)


The COINAtlantic Geocontent Generator (CGG) gives users the ability to create and publish their own geospatial information.


The COINAtlantic GeoContent Generator (CGG) is a free online utility that allowed users to create and publish their own geospatial shapes (points, lines, and polygons) that described a publication or dataset. Once published online, this file could be found by the Google search engine and the COINAtlantic Search Utility (CSU).


The CGG is a simple-to-use tool that will enabled non-specialists to allow others to find and view ‘GeoContent’ as well as the metadata entered about the project/data tied to that geographic shape.


The application consisted of five steps:

  1. Generate geospatial feature: upload a KML, or draw your own point, line or polygon!

  2. Enter attributes: Add important metadata

  3. Add image(s)

  4. Finalize: review your inputs before publishing

  5. Receive the KML through your inbox, and see it on the CSU



The CGG showing the Shepody Bay Coastalshed in New Brunswick as part of step one of the tool.



Included in the CGG was a function for defining the geographic area of interest. This can be done by selecting from a number of existing geographic polygons, drawing your own area of interest on an interactive map or by importing existing geographic information.


Once completed, the file is saved on a server that is indexed by the internet search engine, such as Google, so that others will be able to find your information and the geographical area of interest related to your information.

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