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Annual Reports

Atlantic Coastal Zone Information Steering Committee (ACZISC)
Annual Reports 


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This year saw the ACZISC enter into some new ventures. We were successful in being awarded Atlantic Ecosystem Initiative funding from Envi-ronment and Climate Change Canada on a new project focussed on facilitating the deposition of species occurrence data into the Ocean Biogeo-graphic Information System (OBIS). Working with partners at Cape Breton University, the At-lantic Reference Centre at the Huntsman Marine Science Centre, the Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History and the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Coalition on Sustainability



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For the second year in a row, the ACZISC was privileged to host a Management without Borders student project at the Faculty of Management, Dalhousie University. This year a team of six Masters Students prepared the report “Improving Outreach and Communications for the Atlantic Coastal Zone Steering Committee”. The ACZISC Secretariat is working with the Committee to consider the report’s recommendations and how to implement several in 2014-15.



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A highlight of this year was the long-awaited delivery of version 2 of the COINAtlantic Search Utility (CSU). The promotion of COINAtlantic tools was hampered by the lack of a fully functioning search tool. The delivery of the new version of the CSU will allow more vigourous promotion in 2013-2014. The CSU is described on page 19. The Secretariat was successful in obtaining funding from Natural Resources Canada for the project “Information Accessibility Policy Best Practices for Coastal Adaptation”. The project includes contributions from the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Memorial University and Dalhousie University. The project will be conducted over two years. Funding from this project contributed to enhancements for the COINAtlantic toolset in 2012-2013. 



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This year also saw the initiation of videos of presentations at all of the meetings held in 2011-12 and publishing the videos on our own You Tube Channel linked to our website. The videos allow members and other visitors to the website to virtually participate in the meetings if they were not able to attend due to schedule conflicts or restrictions on travel. 



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The ACZISC Secretariat played a prominent role in the organization of the 2010 Coastal Zone Canada Conference hosted by the Government of Prince Edward Island in Charlottetown 26-28 July 2010. In addition to Mike and Claudette on the Program Committee, Paul Boudreau lead a workshop entitled ‘Information Management for Integrated Coastal and Ocean Management’ and gave a presentation entitled ‘Finding common ground on a term to facilitate improved management in a large diverse area of the earth's surface: the coastalshed’



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The ACZISC continued to make progress in the ongoing establishment and development of COINAtlantic - the Coastal and Ocean Information Network - to facilitate access to data and information in support of the ICOM community of practice in Atlantic Canada. Planning was initiated to merge and enhance the ACZISC and COINAtlantic websites to provide a one-stop online location to support the information needs of ICOM practitioners.



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The ACZISC made significant progress in the ongoing establishment of COINAtlantic - the Coastal and Ocean Information Network - to facilitate access to data and information in support of the ICOM community of practice in Atlantic Canada: The ACZISC continues to provide staff support for the Operational Centre of the International Ocean Institute in Canada, based at Dalhousie University. The major activity of the NGO is organizing and delivering the annual 8-week IOI-Canada Training Programme on Ocean Governance.




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A Joint Project Agreement was signed between the ACZISC and DFO Maritimes with regards to staffing for COINAtlantic. We are very pleased that Paul Boudreau has accepted the task of COINAtlantic Project Manager and will be working full time from January 2008 to March 2009 with the ACZISC Secretariat. The COINAtlantic Collaboration Agreement (CA) between the ACZISC Association and GeoConnections was finalized and signed. The CA formalizes and confirms the commitment of financial support from GeoConnections.



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The Government of Prince Edward Island renewed its engagement with the ACZISC and three new members joined the Committee, namely: the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency; Health Canada; and the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Coalition on Sustainability. Information dissemination and networking remained a focus of the ACZISC, primarily via the ACZISC meetings and workshops, the ACZISC Coastal Update newsletter and the website.



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The Study on the Economic Impact of the Ocean Technology Industry in Atlantic Canada and Potential Public Sector Demand for Ocean Technologies in Canada was published in March. The two-volume study was produced by the ACZISC Secretariat, in collaboration with Canmac Economics Ltd and with the financial support of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency.



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The Atlantic Coastal Information Portal (ACIP) was developed and implemented by the ACZISC, with the collaboration and assistance of GeoConnections, Natural Resources Canada. ACIP is the latest phase in the development of the Atlantic Coastal Database Directory which was initiated by the ACZISC in 1992.



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The 'birth' of the ACZISC Association as an incorporated not-for-profit body under the under the Nova Scotia Societies Act. The Association will act as the legal entity for the ACZISC. Awarding of a Gulf of Maine Visionary Award for 2003 to the ACZISC also took place this year. The Secretariat proudly accepted the award on behalf of the Committee at a ceremony on 4 December at the Lord Nelson Hotel in Halifax.

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