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COINAtlantic Search Utility (CSU)

The COINAtlantic Search Utility (CSU), gives users the ability to discover and access geospatial information and create their own maps with multiple data layers. These powerful platforms require no specialized software (only an internet browser) and no technical expertise.


The searchable file formats included:

KML:  is an annotation for geographic data and visualizations using internet-based 2-D map browsers, such as Google Earth and the CSU. Contains features (place marks, images, polygons, textual descriptions). 

WMS: An Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standard protocol for serving georeferenced map images over the internet as a packed set of vector graphics (points, lines, curves, polygons, text).   

REST API Representational State Transfer (REST) Application Program Interface (API)- A set of functions that developers can use to perform requests and receive responses using HTTP protocol, such as GET and POST. 

CGG: Geospatial polygons created in the COINAtlantic Geocontent Generator (CGG) that contain important metadata related to the polygon.  

The CGG and CSU are currently offline. Contact us if you are interested in learning more about these tools. 

Read more about the COINAtlantic Search Utility

The CSU Tool

CSU Search Results


Screen capture of CSU search results. User searched for 'whale' resulting in COINAtlantic Geocontent Genertor (CGG) KML, Other KML, WMS and ArcGIS REST file types. A preview of each layer was available, along with layer metadata. 

CSU Menu Options


Screen capture of CSU menu options. Users could add their own WMS or REST API layers, and export their chosen layers as a shareable custom map or GeoTIFF. 

CSU Map Gallery


The shareable custom maps where located in the COINAtlantic Map Gallery, along with their creator's name, date, and URL. 

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