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Open Data Tools

COINAtlantic uses a suite of open data tools, from plans and frameworks, to publishing and storage, to mapping platforms. Collectively, these tools help you discover and access open quality data more easily. 


Data Management Plans & Frameworks 


These documents will help you determine how to manage your data openly. 


CDAST- The COINAtlantic Data Accessibility Self-Assessment Tool (CDAST) helps organizations develop a benchmark to monitor and improve internal  policies and procedures for providing access to data and information they are able to share. 


DMP Assistant - The Portage Network's DMP Assistant is a bilingual tool for preparing data management plans (DMPs) using best practices in data stewardship, guiding researchers through key questions about data management.


DMP Online- DMPonline provided by the Digital Curation Centre (DCC) helps you to create, review, and share data management plans that meet institutional and funder requirements.


Guidelines for marine species occurrence data rescue - The OBIS Canada Cookbook- Data rescue activities are often complex and difficult tasks. There is a definite need for a set of directions. These should be suitable for use by both new data providers and ‘seasoned’ data management teams.


Ocean Best Practices- Hub of the Ocean Best Practices System (OBPS) comprising: repository archive; sophisticated but user-friendly web interface; advanced technology including text mining and semantic tagging; peer-reviewed journal linked to the repository; a training component supported by the OceanTeacher Global Academy and a community forum.


USGS Data Management Training Resources- Learn the basics of good data management and best practices with the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Data Management Tutorials. 


Publishing & Storage


Ready to publish your data? Check out these publishing and storage options for your research.  


CIOOS Atlantic - The Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) is an online platform for sharing, discovering and accessing ocean data in Atlantic Canada. 


Dataverse- Dataverse is a free, open-source publicly accessible data repository platform, open to affiliated researchers to deposit and share research data openly with anyone.


Figshare- Figshare helps academic institutions store, share and manage all of their research outputs, including large amounts of data in your online articles.


FRDR- Any researcher affiliated with a Canadian institution can deposit data of any size into the Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR).


OSF- Open Science Framework (OSF) is a free, open platform to support your research and enable collaboration.

Mapping Platforms 


Use these tools to create and share your own maps, or upload your data to create geospatial information. 


Geoconnect-  A platform that integrates Dataverse and WorldMap, allowing researchers to visualize their geospatial data. Geoconnect can be used to create maps of shapefiles or of tabular files containing geospatial information.


GeoNOVA Maps and Tools-  Interactive maps help you see where things are in the world by displaying themes of information in many different ways.


Google My Maps - Make custom maps with the places that matter to you by drawing, searching, importing and personalizing, share, collaborate, and publish. Check out COINAtlantic's How-To Google My Maps Guide. 


iNaturalist - Every observation can contribute to biodiversity science, from the rarest butterfly to the most common backyard weed. We share your findings.


Sea Level Rise Map - Use the ECoAS Project's map to connect with coastal stakeholders an interactive map. Identify and share observations and experiences with sea-level rise impacts. 


SeaSketch - A powerful tool for ocean planners, stakeholders and the public, enabling participatory MSP processes tied to relevant science and information. 


WorldMap- Build your own mapping portal and publish it to the world or to just a few collaborators. WorldMap is open source software, developed by the Center for Geographic Analysis at Harvard University.

© 2020 by COINAtlantic

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