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Coastal & Ocean Information Resources

Check out these key resources to help you better understand the value of collaborative, open data principles and approaches to use in your work with coastal and ocean stakeholders and ecosystems.    

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State of the Scotian Shelf Report 

This collection of reports covers the Scotian Shelf, an environmentally important section of the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Nova Scotia.

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Open & FAIR Data

We promote open and FAIR data (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Re-Usable) 

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Marine Spatial Planning 

Learn about Canada's efforts to safeguard a healthy and sustainable ocean for generations to come. 

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Coastal & Ocean Initiatives 

It’s no longer a matter of whether we should act, but how? COINAtlantic's work is driven by these initiatives. 

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Collaborate With Us
Interested in collaborating with the COINAtlantic team? 
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